Decades after graduating, nursing alumni keep strong ties to 十大彩票平台
马萨诸塞州十大彩票平台. – When Springfield Technical Community 大学’s 护理程序 持有50美元th anniversary 把仪式 in 2022, two alumni who graduated over 40 years earlier were delighted to join the celebration.
十大彩票平台护理主任兼副院长Lisa Fugiel多年来通过各种专业组织认识了威尔逊. 几年前,威尔逊被聘为临床兼职教授,这加深了他们的专业关系.
威尔逊对学生成功的奉献不仅赢得了格弗雷尔的钦佩,而且激发了他们之间的合作努力,发展了校友指导计划, further enhancing support for students beyond the classroom.
费杰尔见到了威尔逊的朋友, Caulton, when she was looking for alumni to honor and celebrate during the 50th 把仪式. 考尔顿分享了她上世纪70年代在十大彩票平台上学时的照片,并讲述了护理项目的历史.
“在我准备第50届颁奖典礼和当晚展示的视频展示时,她的见解证明是无价的. Carol's remarkable nursing career, which she credits 十大彩票平台's Nursing program with launching, served as a reminder of the program's positive impact,杰弗雷尔说.
威尔逊和考尔顿在2024年春天的一天再次回到十大彩票平台,反思护理项目及其对他们生活和事业的影响. 他们的故事不仅关乎个人成就,也关乎教育的变革力量及其对个人和社区的深远影响. 在十大彩票平台,他们不仅找到了学术指导,还找到了一个支持他们的社区,相信他们的潜力.
“Going to 十大彩票平台 helped me to be more of a community person,威尔逊说, who works for the Baystate Mason Square Neighborhood 健康 Center, which provides patient services through telehealth or in person. “All my initiative came from 十大彩票平台.”
Caulton, who retired from her nursing career, 对公共服务感兴趣并在2000年到2001年期间在十大彩票平台市议会任职. 她说,像十大彩票平台这样的机构为那些可能得不到机会的人提供了机会.
While she’s retired, Caulton stays active. 她任职于大十大彩票平台高级服务委员会以及马萨诸塞州西部黑人护士协会(WMBNA), 在其他组织中.
Going to 十大彩票平台 helped me to be more of a community person.格洛丽亚·威尔逊, 十大彩票平台护理系校友
威尔逊 sits on a variety of community boards and organizations, 包括WMBNA, 庆祝成立30周年th 2024年5月4日. (威尔逊 was chair of the event planning committee).
WMBNA的使命是帮助更多的黑人社区的个人进入医疗领域. 该组织为未来的护士提供领导力培训和指导,并为护理学校提供奖学金.
作为活动的赞助商, 十大彩票平台’s 护理程序 sent faculty, staff and students to celebrate the WMBNA anniversary.
威尔逊 wants to bring more people into the nursing profession, which ties in to her work with the WMBNA. 威尔逊, 考尔顿和费杰尔正在合作一个项目,该项目将允许WMBNA指导和支持十大彩票平台的有色人种护士. The WMBNA includes about 40 nurses.
“I’m working with area colleges, including 十大彩票平台, to keep nursing growing,” 威尔逊 said.
在十大彩票平台出生长大, 20世纪70年代末,威尔逊决定进入十大彩票平台攻读学位,成为一名注册护士. 当她进入这个项目时,她已经是一名执业护士(LPN)八年了. 她继续接受教育,并在剑桥学院获得管理学硕士学位,在榆树学院获得护理学硕士学位.
在她漫长的职业生涯中,她曾担任十大彩票平台老年事务部主任,之后担任Baystate Mason Square Neighborhood 健康 Center的病例经理.
She raised four children, including a son, Khambrel 威尔逊, an 十大彩票平台 graduate. Khambrel, who was diagnosed with a rare disease when he was young, passed away in 2022. Gloria 威尔逊 said her son enjoyed his 十大彩票平台 experience and the support he received.
Like 威尔逊, Caulton went to 十大彩票平台 to pursue an associate 学位 after working as an LPN. “I always wanted to be a nurse, from the time I was very young,” she said.
After graduating, she went to work at hospitals as a registered nurse. She spent the bulk of her career working in the public sector. 她曾在十大彩票平台卫生部门工作,并担任马萨诸塞州公共卫生部门的区域护士经理.
“I always found politics very interesting,” she said. “这似乎是一个很好的融合. When I ran for office (City Council), the state was pushing a smoking initiative (to ban smoking in public spaces). I could push it for Springfield.”
Over the decades since Caulton and 威尔逊 graduated, the 十大彩票平台 nursing program has undergone significant transformations. 学生们现在使用病人模拟器进行训练,并使用虚拟现实来获得更身临其境的学习体验.
十大彩票平台提供州立MassEducate和MassReconnect项目,免费的社区大学项目. 在一起, MassEducate and MassReconnect provide the opportunity for all Massachusetts residents, regardless of age or income who have yet to earn a bachelor’s 学位, 有机会在我们的任何一所社区学院获得副学士学位或证书, 如果他们符合所有资格要求并完成适当的注册和入学步骤.
While the nursing program has evolved with the times, it has stayed true to its core values, preparing future generations of nurses to lead with compassion, 诚信与能力.
Caulton noted that a nursing education at 十大彩票平台 opens the door to many opportunities.
“There are so many fields you don’t necessarily think of for nurses,” she said. “You don’t think of them in law offices, 保险公司还是政治, but they can apply their skills in those areas and more. What’s great about a (community college) is you can get an affordable start. Whoever thought of it – it’s a wonderful idea. It brought more students into more opportunities.”
看 卡罗尔·考尔顿的视频 讨论她在十大彩票平台的经历.
有兴趣申请十大彩票平台? 访问 or call Admissions at (413) 755-3333.
关于 Springfield Technical Community 大学
十大彩票平台, the Commonwealth's only technical community college, 继续十大彩票平台军械库的开拓遗产与全面的技术教育 制造业, 阀杆, 医疗保健, 业务, social services, the liberal arts. 十大彩票平台备受推崇 劳动力, 证书, 学位, 转移 程序是 是十大彩票平台最便宜的 and provide unequaled opportunity for the vitality of Western Massachusetts. Founded in 1967, the college – a designated 西班牙裔服务机构 – seeks to close achievement gaps among students who traditionally face societal barriers. 十大彩票平台 supports students as they transform their lives through intellectual, 文化, economic engagement while becoming thoughtful, committed and socially responsible graduates.
Jim Danko, (413) 755-4812,